Kalute Dates
Kalute dates is one of the popular and well know dates in the world, It is very similar in shape to Mazafti dates and very meaty and tasty. The Dates is also called Kalite in local regions in Iran and categorized into semi-wet dates. Its cultivation time is September. Kalute dates owns a large portion of Iranian Dates production volume. Because of Its quality and reasonable price, lots of customers are interested in buying it in international market from dates supplier. Iran is top producer and kalute dates supplier in the world.

It has a special and delicious taste. its color are different from light and dark brown color. The moisture content of kalute dates are between 13 percent to 23 percent.The high quality Kalute dates are cultivated in Kerman province, espicially in Jiroft city and its surrounding area. although this date is also cultivated in other region such as Sistan and Baluchestan and Hormozgan provinces. Harvest time is so important that if the crop stays on the tree for a longer period of time, it will suffer from worms and blisters.
Retail : 450 gr , 900 gr
Wholesale : 5 kg , 10 kg Cartons

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